GRAIL creates most accurate Moon gravity map | (2024)

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Data from the twin spacecraft show that our satellite’s gravity field is unlike that of any terrestrial planet in the solar system.

ByJet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California and NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C. | Published: December 6, 2012| Last updated on May 18, 2023

These maps of the Moon show the “Bouguer” gravity anomalies as measured by NASA’s GRAIL mission. Bouguer gravity is what remains from the gravity field when the attraction of surface topography is removed, and therefore represents mass anomalies inside the Moon due to either variations in crustal thickness or crust or mantle density. Red areas have stronger gravity, while blue areas have weaker gravity. // Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/CSM

Twin NASA probes orbiting Earth’s Moon have generated the highest-resolution gravity field map of any celestial body.

The new map, created by the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission, is allowing scientists to learn about the Moon’s internal structure and composition in unprecedented detail. Data from the two washing-machine-sized spacecraft also will provide a better understanding of how Earth and other rocky planets in the solar system formed and evolved.

The gravity field map reveals an abundance of features never before seen in detail, such as tectonic structures, volcanic landforms, basin rings, crater central peaks, and numerous simple bowl-shaped craters. Data also show the Moon’s gravity field is unlike that of any terrestrial planet in our solar system.

“What this map tells us is that more than any other celestial body we know of, the Moon wears its gravity field on its sleeve,” said Maria Zuber of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. “When we see a notable change in the gravity field, we can sync up this change with surface topography features such as craters, rilles, or mountains.”

According to Zuber, the Moon’s gravity field preserves the record of impact bombardment that characterized all terrestrial planetary bodies and reveals evidence for fracturing of the interior extending to the deep crust and possibly the mantle. This impact record is preserved, and now precisely measured, on the Moon.

The probes revealed the bulk density of the Moon’s highland crust is substantially lower than generally assumed. This low-bulk crustal density agrees well with data obtained during the final Apollo lunar missions in the early 1970s, indicating that local samples returned by astronauts are indicative of global processes.

“With our new crustal bulk density determination, we find that the average thickness of the Moon’s crust is between 21 and 27 miles (34 and 43 kilometers), which is about 6 to 12 miles (10 to 20km) thinner than previously thought,” said Mark Wieczorek at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris. “With this crustal thickness, the bulk composition of the Moon is similar to that of Earth. This supports models where the Moon is derived from Earth materials that were ejected during a giant impact event early in solar system history.”

The map was created by the spacecraft transmitting radio signals to define precisely the distance between them as they orbit the Moon in formation. As they fly over areas of greater and lesser gravity caused by visible features, such as mountains and craters and masses hidden beneath the lunar surface, the distance between the two spacecraft will change slightly.

“We used gradients of the gravity field in order to highlight smaller and narrower structures than could be seen in previous data sets,” said Jeff Andrews-Hanna from the Colorado School of Mines in Golden. “This data revealed a population of long, linear gravity anomalies, with lengths of hundreds of kilometers crisscrossing the surface. These linear gravity anomalies indicate the presence of dikes, or long, thin vertical bodies of solidified magma in the subsurface. The dikes are among the oldest features on the Moon, and understanding them will tell us about its early history.”

While results from the primary science mission are just beginning to be released, the collection of gravity science by the lunar twins continues. GRAIL’s extended mission science phase began August 30 and will conclude December 17. As the end of the mission nears, the spacecraft will operate at lower orbital altitudes above the Moon.

Twin NASA probes orbiting Earth’s Moon have generated the highest-resolution gravity field map of any celestial body.

The new map, created by the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission, is allowing scientists to learn about the Moon’s internal structure and composition in unprecedented detail. Data from the two washing-machine-sized spacecraft also will provide a better understanding of how Earth and other rocky planets in the solar system formed and evolved.

The gravity field map reveals an abundance of features never before seen in detail, such as tectonic structures, volcanic landforms, basin rings, crater central peaks, and numerous simple bowl-shaped craters. Data also show the Moon’s gravity field is unlike that of any terrestrial planet in our solar system.

“What this map tells us is that more than any other celestial body we know of, the Moon wears its gravity field on its sleeve,” said Maria Zuber of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. “When we see a notable change in the gravity field, we can sync up this change with surface topography features such as craters, rilles, or mountains.”

According to Zuber, the Moon’s gravity field preserves the record of impact bombardment that characterized all terrestrial planetary bodies and reveals evidence for fracturing of the interior extending to the deep crust and possibly the mantle. This impact record is preserved, and now precisely measured, on the Moon.

The probes revealed the bulk density of the Moon’s highland crust is substantially lower than generally assumed. This low-bulk crustal density agrees well with data obtained during the final Apollo lunar missions in the early 1970s, indicating that local samples returned by astronauts are indicative of global processes.

“With our new crustal bulk density determination, we find that the average thickness of the Moon’s crust is between 21 and 27 miles (34 and 43 kilometers), which is about 6 to 12 miles (10 to 20km) thinner than previously thought,” said Mark Wieczorek at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris. “With this crustal thickness, the bulk composition of the Moon is similar to that of Earth. This supports models where the Moon is derived from Earth materials that were ejected during a giant impact event early in solar system history.”

The map was created by the spacecraft transmitting radio signals to define precisely the distance between them as they orbit the Moon in formation. As they fly over areas of greater and lesser gravity caused by visible features, such as mountains and craters and masses hidden beneath the lunar surface, the distance between the two spacecraft will change slightly.

“We used gradients of the gravity field in order to highlight smaller and narrower structures than could be seen in previous data sets,” said Jeff Andrews-Hanna from the Colorado School of Mines in Golden. “This data revealed a population of long, linear gravity anomalies, with lengths of hundreds of kilometers crisscrossing the surface. These linear gravity anomalies indicate the presence of dikes, or long, thin vertical bodies of solidified magma in the subsurface. The dikes are among the oldest features on the Moon, and understanding them will tell us about its early history.”

While results from the primary science mission are just beginning to be released, the collection of gravity science by the lunar twins continues. GRAIL’s extended mission science phase began August 30 and will conclude December 17. As the end of the mission nears, the spacecraft will operate at lower orbital altitudes above the Moon.

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GRAIL creates most accurate Moon gravity map | (2024)


GRAIL creates most accurate Moon gravity map | ›

Data from the twin spacecraft show that our satellite's gravity field is unlike that of any terrestrial planet

terrestrial planet
A terrestrial planet, telluric planet, or rocky planet, is a planet that is composed primarily of silicate, rocks or metals. Within the Solar System, the terrestrial planets accepted by the IAU are the inner planets closest to the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. › wiki › Terrestrial_planet
in the solar system. Twin NASA probes orbiting Earth's Moon have generated the highest-resolution gravity field map of any celestial body.

What were the findings of the Grail Mission? ›

"GRAIL data confirm that lunar mascons were generated when large asteroids or comets impacted the ancient Moon when its interior was much hotter than it is now," said Jay Melosh, a GRAIL co-investigator at Purdue University.

What do the colored portions show on the GRAIL map of the Moon? ›

Red corresponds to mass excesses and blue corresponds to mass deficiencies. The map shows more small-scale detail on the far side of the Moon compared to the nearside because the far side has many more small craters.

What is GRAIL NASA? ›

The Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory, or GRAIL, mission was designed to create the most accurate gravitational map of the moon to date, which when combined with topographic data, can provide insight into the moon's internal structure, composition and evolution.

How did NASA know the gravity of the Moon? ›

NASA's Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission flew twin spacecraft in tandem orbits around the Moon to measure its gravity field in unprecedented detail.

What is the secret of the grail? ›

Various traditions describe the Holy Grail as a cup, dish, or stone with miraculous healing powers, sometimes providing eternal youth or sustenance in infinite abundance, often guarded in the custody of the Fisher King and located in the hidden Grail castle.

Where is the Holy Grail hidden? ›

Some claim the cup rests in the sewers of Jerusalem while others believe that the medieval Knights Templar took the goblet from Jerusalem during the Crusades and eventually secreted it away in New World locations ranging from Minnesota to Maryland to Nova Scotia. Some theorize it is even hidden inside Fort Knox.

What is the hidden part of the Moon? ›

The “dark side” of the moon is actually a misnomer, experts say, and the remote lunar hemisphere receives illumination — scientists just don't know as much about the region as they'd like. The far side, with its thicker crust, is vastly different from the near side that was explored during the Apollo missions.

What color is the Moon actually? ›

If you were to fly to the Moon, you'd land on a rock made up of shades of gray. This is because the lunar surface consists mostly of magnesium, iron, feldspar, and other minerals, which create a fine gray dust. This is the Moon's true color, and it keeps this appearance all year long.

What are the dark areas of the Moon interpreted to be? ›

The dark features, called maria (Latin for seas), are impact basins that were filled with lava between 4.2 and 1.2 billion years ago. These light and dark areas represent rocks of different compositions and ages, which provide evidence for how the early crust may have crystallized from a lunar magma ocean.

How accurate is Grail? ›

And an analysis of Grail's data found only 38% of positive Galleri tests – 35 of 92 people – had a validated cancer diagnosis. In the general population, if only 38% of positive Galleri results truly have cancer, the test is "not quite useful to make a decision for the patient or the providers," Lee says.

What religion is the Grail Message? ›

The Grail Movement is a millenarian new religious movement which originated in Germany in the late 1940s, inspired by the work of the self-proclaimed messiah figure Oskar Ernst Bernhardt (also known by his pen name Abd-ru-shin), principally In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message.

What is the new name for Grail Insights? ›

Grail Insights (now Escalent) | LinkedIn.

Why doesn't Earth's gravity pull the Moon into it? ›

The moon's velocity and distance from Earth allow it to make a perfect balance between fall and escape. In case the velocity of rotation of the moon was a little bit faster, it would have escaped the Earth's Gravity. On the other hand, if it's a little bit slower, it would have fallen on Earth.

Why don't we feel the Moon's gravity? ›

The Moon's gravitational pull on us is much weaker than Earth's, so we don't really notice it, but we can see the Moon's effect on the liquid water of the oceans. The oceans are pulled towards the Moon's gravity slightly, causing a bulge or high tide on the side of the Earth closest to the Moon.

Does the Moon's gravity pull humans? ›

The Moon's gravitational pull is relatively weak compared to Earth's. (Apollo astronauts were able to leap across the lunar surface because of this weaker pull.)

What were the results of grail Pathfinder? ›

"The PATHFINDER study was a pilot non-randomized study to evaluate how patients and clinicians would respond to a blood test to screen for multiple cancer types. The screening test identified a cancer signal in 1.4% of participants, 0.5% of whom were confirmed to have cancer.

What was the message inside the Grail? ›

The Grail Message addresses eternal questions such as what does it mean to be human, what is the purpose of life on earth, and what happens after death. The Grail Message also addresses the causes and significance of crises facing humanity and humanity's responsibilities to the future.

What happened on the quest for the Holy Grail? ›

Key Takeaways: Quest for the Holy Grail

In the Morte D'Arthur, 150 knights set out to find the Grail but only three knights—Sir Bors, Sir Percival, and Sir Galahad—actually find the Grail. Galahad alone was pure enough to see it in all its glory.

What was the purpose of finding the Holy Grail? ›

Given the importance of Jesus's crucifixion and the eucharist in Christian beliefs, the search for the grail became the holiest of quests as it signified the pursuit of union with God.

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