The News-Star from Monroe, Louisiana (2024)

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Monroe, Louisiana

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Monday TV Dpcf 'Rpfv USA SOE WGs KTVE KMC? KLTM KARO WES Moe Sr' 30 CEN JJ 3 1 uh i (B 9 a 1 cm i NBC i cWmmim SHivmi I'srs' 4 A a Pas to 30 Cr tf I wuor't es es i ft 'v tn star a him jr i' 1 £L21 1 i vaij i I aa 7'x AV riV a a 4 ry CUe ss' A an 4 lri f'xa: TCXt Gse Mult a SS 4 1 30 Start hy Us KX 1 1 ''T' i P0 4r wyra 1 Af 4 f'cv aa JZP 1 1 Vc a a I 30 Uar 1 Cat 4 3 n't zr ir fC a iia ta (rP 1212 rs a vw Cozjoe zi J'! St ti Tc Art £rew5 Stw ri 4 a tV' ''Tt 7: hv? 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MONDAY NIGHTS ONLY 5 PM CLOSING One child per paying adult please not 165 MONROE 388 1 27B Children 12 and under Adults Enjoy Our WORLD'S GREATEST SALAD BAR ALL YOU CAN EAT! di KTy Dee Davis can relate to PBS opener Hwy 1 E5 322 5115 a Every Monday You Can EaV' 5 PM 9 PM no: re Hayride Guaranteed Weight Loss 5S tty was 0 solve or ire Ice arJ Dee ar: ves to yC ling these trmgs retrospect along the weight of ie sucre Life Extension Authors Confirm Results Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw graduates of MIT and UCLA respectively introduced these mir acle substances to the public in their runaway best selling book Life Extension Much to her amazement while taking arginine for its heaing effects on a broken foot Sandy lost 25 pounds of fat and put on 5 pounds of firm toned muscle in six weeks Accord ing to calculations the pill caused Sandy to lose 400 times as much fat as she would otherwise have lost without dieting! Extraordinary Guarantee Place your order now If you are not completely satafied simply return the empty container for a full refund of your purchase pnce You can order the Dream Pill System and a 30 day supply of remarkable Dream Pills for $1995 or a 60 day supply for $3495 (plus $300 shipping and handling) To order simply call Dream Pill24 hours a day 7 days a week TOLL REE: 1 300 453 4810 and use your VISA or MasterCard Dream PiB will also accept orders over the phone! But please don't wut Order today You won't nsk a thing Ether you get a slender new you you get a full refund of your purchase priceCapynght 1986 1 800453 4810 The application deadline for "Advanced Computer Topics a course in Northeast Louisiana University's Saturday Science Pro gram is riday The course Is open to students in grades 9 through 12 Classes will meet from 9 a to noon each Saturday from eb 7 to eb 28 The fee for the course is $40 which will be collected at the first class meeting The course will provide an introduction to string processing in LISP a language commonly used in artificial intelligence In terested students must submit an application available through their school or the NLL' College of Pure and Applied Sciences along with a recommendation an appropnati school author ity More information can be obtained by calling College of Pure and Applied Sciences at 342 2100 Continued from page ID Logan has high praise for his "Keturn of the Stars" co pro ducer Boh Vernon executive director of the Louisiana Music Association Vernon is also man ager for Kershaw and ats Dom ino A former musician himself Vernon recently produced the HBOCinemax Special "ats Domino and riends "Putting the show on is going to be the easiest part of the whole says Logan "But when this show is over with a heck of a lot of the credit Is going to have to go to Bob Vernon That man is Deadline for NLU advanced computer course draws near TlftC HaCisrk Uaafa 34W202 0R 4 An 1 1 Aw vjr ON THE MONDAY NIGHT 5 2 CATISH ILLET DINNER Continued from page ID prepare for national academic "admissions tests and the Nation al Teacher Examinations Mi gnon Riley is instructor ACT Preparation Mondays eb 9 23 5:30 pm $75 The course will stress preparation for the April 11 ACT exam Instruc tors are Dr Charles McDonald 1 Louise Harris and Anita lem Ing Water Aerobics Mondays SALT LAKE CITY UTAH According to a review of custo mers' files here's what people are saying about the amazing vastly improved "new of the world famous Dream Pill System for fast guaranteed weight loss featuring Super Lite Dreams tablets: "I lost 25 lbs with a 33 day supply Mrs JN Pane AL 1 ib per day" Mr JG PirevJle KY lost 34 lbs and I'm Josng Mrs Garden Grove CA 7 hate been on Dream Pill for one month end feel great have lost 27 lbs Mr AD Anadarko OK The System's Dream Pill com bines two natural substances called arginine and ormthme which can stimulate the produc tion of growth hormone Diet researchers believe that growth hormone may be responsi ble for allowing teenagers to down thousands of calones in ham burgers and other foods and stiD be thin as a rail Growth Hormone is present in people up through the teenage years then slowly diminishes with age But aranme and ornithine make the body rt belongs to a teenager again allowing adults to eat as much as they want be thin and wiry CPR 'cardiopulmonary re suscitation Tuesdays eb lu 176 8 $20 Instruction will cover the most current principles and practices in CPR Dr Charles Buck is instructor second co roun or t'AO seasons Aerobic Conditioning for Wellness Mondays Tuesdays and Thursdays eb 9 March 19 6:15 7 15 $25 The clas will provide students an opportunity to improve cardiovascular func tioning and total fitness Jean is instructor Ex Smokers UnanimousMondays Wednesdays and ri days eb 23 March 6 7 9 pm $40 The class is designed to greatly enhance a person's abili 9 pm $70 The class will provide an overview of basic civil proce dure State District Judge John Joyce is instructor Legal Research Mondavs eb 2 23 6 8 pm $65 Students will learn the tools and methods of legal research including com position of a legal research mem orandum Jacqueline Morgan is instructor urther information maj be obtained by contacting NLU Of fice of Continuing Education at 342 2122 or toil free in Louisiana at 1 800 372 5127 ty to become and remain ar ex smoker Neu ton Caidwell is in structor rench for the Traveler Thursdays eb 19 April 16 6 fp $50 Students ill be famil iarized with useful expressions covering a variety of situations that could be encountered in rance abnce Teulon is in structor Civil Procedure i Legal Ter minology Tuesdays eb 3 24 6 16:15 7 and Thursdays 1 5:35 6 15 pmi eb 2 26 Si? Students will learn methods to improve muscle tone flexibility posture endurance coordina tion balance and agility Cissy Clark is instructor 'Osse anti Ruey Monday rr PP KLIM TV By ROBERT BARR The Associated Press NEW YORK In the fir' ri! on public television oe portray a couple coprg inns Davis plays Robert Tern district judge in Washington Church Terrell a suffrat offend her pa' ington Eventually the wife in 38 years of marriiu have never reached a'showaou over careers politics "Whatever our activity was put us tion where we had to cL at tr Davis said in a rec The play about the Terrel's A Letter from Booker raises the curtain tonigrt for Ruby the couple's 12 week BBS series tnat will showcase stories from aspiring writers and producers "They were two middle class people 1 "and I suppose we are too "With college backgrounds" Davis interject "Um hmm So there are certain parallels th wJe continued "The whole question 0: werner and liberties and freedoms the prenkms into marriages today So we aren't aitoe hi them Even in our marriage we hi'f spoken or unspoken "Davis recalled 1 potential eoii re when his wife ua invited to wotk in lr distinguished director Tony Richard "It never came down tn the point where or said Davis We talked about it but the decision to stay was always Circ*mstance my background a real worker He really knows how to get things done" Vernon in turn has lots of praise for Logan or "the Colo nel" as he calls him it takes is a phone call from the Colonel" says Vernon the star is there talk to Horace The other day he was calling the stars up one after an other It vs unbelievable I was sitting there listening on some of the calls and they'd start telling stories about the old Hayride some of the old stars I tell you the man is a living legend" ere children of values which remf orced from Dav fs said he's happy to oe on pub lie eie' isi rhan in ha: he regards as a more a phere at the commercial networks That one thing 1 must say about PBS trey look over your shoulder" he laughed "irey give you much They give you the 50 cents and say Don't mme back till you finish it MERCHANTS LUNCH SPECIAL MON SAT 11:00 AM 2:00 PM CM 95 CATISH ILLETS HUSH PUPPIES MB RIES SLAW ish Shrimp s595 Def Pill System Sweeping US Super Dream Pill BARGAIN MATINEES ULSHOWSSTARTiNG EErOELDC CMJ EXCEPT Oh TrEM 55 CS and custom is too much for you sre continue': "But remember Ruby ever tr were sexist arc the outside "A ratever 0 tion where wi nense Davis is row appearing on Broadway in "i Net Rappaport" with Hal Linden arc Dee ras recently published "Mv One Good Nerve Both nave extensive stage screen and television cred: Ossie and Ruby" is the couple PBS "With Ossie and Ruby" ran The new jeres includes two enco the earlier run Crazy Hattie zrers starring Tyne Daley of "Cagney 5 LaceyAlice in Wonder" a comedy written starring Dee We feel there is a lot of excellent exquisite uritite in the English language being done by quote minorities" Davis said "and that these minority writers are by and large overlooked ty the general reading public and particulary ty the television viewing public So the couple commissioned several writers black Korean Chinese American Indian and white to pro duce scripts With 13 scripts in hand however they had only enough money to produce four So tney went shopping for other shows from independent producers who had pernaps been seen on local televisor rut g7T 13 L'W 2 PUB yn 1 Em If wn srorr rg upn gjy and Dec ujv 4 Marv JB JUBIE LIB As I JMkw ff 1 I Bm i Ef different I aMI 1 See Das a lp' at Tr eCCe' rf ar rr hl at i i tr a 13 3' nc rarv imes I sail Ac I cc is 71 mils (' ver an or rer re a rv and ra: 2 SA25I STAR TREK IV 2 00 3 33 CROCODILE DUNDEE ys 2r so 3 3 GOLDEN CHILD 1 :3 23 5 M7 15 THE MISSIONS? MASSES 2 1 32 7 33 9 33 THE BEDROOM WINDOW '3 3 2 2 5 22 7 ZCw? 53 THREE AMIGOS 3 2 3N7 SY? PG LADY AND THE TRAMP CRIMES THE HEART 2 3 1C 5 22 7 3G? ZCPG CRITICAL CONDITION 122 3 10 5 23 7 32 a 11 HEARTBREAK RIDGE 2 zs 7 5 5 ARMED RESPONSE 2 3 Sl I ASSASSINATION 5 'S9 5 'G 1 THE MORNING ATER 5 2 29 32 Rl usan WE BRING YOU TH CINEMA 10 PECANLAND MAU 3254697.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.